Ben Hoskyns
After four Years working in an office, Ben Hoskyns became full time professional artist in 1988. He has
.always been passionate about wildlife, conservation and the British countryside
As a wildlife artist, studies of birds and animals are intrinsic to his work but they are, typically, part of a progression towards larger pieces. Smaller landscapes also usually show that same development and there may well be several different versions of a particular view – a change of angle, subject, light or narrative.
Whatever I am painting, I want to instil that feeling of ‘being there.’ For me, a painting is as much"
about what you leave out as what you put in. There needs to be some ambiguity to allow the viewer the freedom to see what they want to see. When a woodcock flits silently across a ride in front of you, you don’t see every leaf, every twig. What is stored in the memory is a feeling - the atmosphere. If I can capture that, I’m happy."

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